

夏季时间:2024年5月13日- 7月26日 Monday - Thursday 8:00am - 4:30pm, Friday 8:00am - 12:00pm


Our mission in this magazine is to inspire and create a stronger community through art and literature. By publishing creative visual and literary student works that touch upon the themes presented in 残疾的可见性: First-Person From The Twenty-First Century 爱丽丝·黄编辑, the magazine will connect to the College's Institutional Outcome of Individual Development that includes ethical values, 个人健康, 个人学习策略.

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ETC: Magazine is inspired by the numerous prevailing themes of the 2022–2023 靠谱买球app推荐读 book selection 残疾的可见性 爱丽丝·黄编辑.


Noun: The quality of being able to be reached or entered.

This section of the ETC: Magazine will contain creative works that explore navigating the world as a disabled person. The 可访问性 theme will explore the products and services offered to enhance the lives of people living with disabilities, 以及你所在社区的项目.

When was the last time you made something available to someone? What do you do to ensure everyone feels welcome in your community? What are some barriers you find in life that challenge your level of ability?


Noun: A group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common.

This section of the ETC: Magazine will showcase creative works surrounding themes of interaction and support.

与他人在一起意味着什么? 我们如何支持和维持我们的关系? Describe how your peers impact your life and the lives of others. 你会给长得不像你的人留空间吗? 像你一样说话? Recall a time when you reached out to someone who might’ve been struggling with challenges and barriers.


Verb: To perceive the significance, explanation, or cause of something.

This section of the ETC: Magazine will contain creative works of the artist's first-hand experiences, 困惑的时刻, and times where they've had an epiphany about the world.

我们如何相互理解? How can we be more understanding towards others, no matter their situation? How do you navigate misunderstandings about your level of ability or mental challenges? When was the last time you opened yourself up to learn something new?


Verb: The act of honoring what characteristics determine who a person is.

This section of the ETC: Magazine will feature creative works that highlight the acceptance of a disability and learning to embrace the label “Disabled”. Celebrate who you are, who you were, and who you’ve become!

Describe your personal journey to accepting yourself, through your artwork, a poem, a visual, etc. 你的身份对你来说意味着什么?



  • 每个人都有价值.
  • 每个孩子都有价值.
  • 残疾儿童并不“更穷”.
  • 没有谁的生命比谁的更有价值.
  • Disabled people are equally as important as able-bodied people.
  • 做真实的自己会更好.
  • 真实性是关键.
  • Mobility aids and service animals are valuable and we shouldn’t restrict access to them.


  • 你的长相并不可耻.
  • 残疾并不是什么可耻的事.
  • 悲伤是成长的有力工具.
  • 悲伤并不一定是结束.
  • 悲伤过后是重生.
  • We shouldn’t judge people based on things they can’t change.
  • 你不应该因为别人的长相而害怕他们.


  • 宗教是一把双刃剑.
  • 有组织的宗教既可以是好事也可以是坏事的工具.
  • 残疾人不需要治疗.
  • 残疾人没有什么错.
  • “残疾”不是无用的同义词. 残疾人带来了更多的东西.
  • Institutional Ableism and systemic Oppression of disabled peoples.
  • 隔离被用作压迫的工具.
  • We should do more to expand accessibility for all who need it.


  • We should accept our situations in life and make the most of them.
  • 自我接纳很重要.
  • 无论如何,你都应该爱自己,接受自己.
  • We should accept everyone no matter what they look like or status of ability.
  • 接受自己/他人是一种自由.
  • 有时候你是自己最好的拥护者.
  • 自我宣传很重要.
  • Disabled representation in the media and the public sphere is important for self identification and acceptance.
  • 我们都应该以积极的眼光看待自己.
  • All aspects of life like fashion, modeling, schooling, etc.,应该是方便和舒适的.
  • Disabled people want to feel beautiful/sexy like everyone else.


  • 你可以克服严格和/或传统的宗教.
  • We can all overcome barriers that are placed in front of us.
  • 你应该爱你的孩子,不管他们是怎么出生的.
  • You can reach your goals regardless of your situation/ability.
  • 通过毅力,你可以完成任何事情.
  • 对自己有信心.
  • 对别人有信心.
  • 你有能力做出改变.
  • 我们都有能力做出改变.
  • 任何人都可以做出改变.


  • Disabled people contribute meaningful contributions to society.
  • 交叉性和社区的重要性.
  • 脆弱是很重要的.
  • Parents should love their children regardless of ability.
  • Good parents learn from their mistakes and seek education when raising their children.
  • You should prepare yourself to care for any kind of child.
  • 有关心你的人很重要.
  • 一个支持系统有很长的路要走. 我们都应该互相支持.
  • 我们都有责任倡导正确的事情.
  • Language and ability should not be a barrier to schooling or community.
  • Service animals are a helpful aid for disabled people but disabled people are also independent beings with them.

Enter Your Work for Consideration for the 2023 ETC Hawkeye Magazine

Last year’s edition featured over 60 pages of student photography, 绘画, 诗, 短篇小说, 图纸, 数字设计. 将会出现在今年的版本中, please 提交 work that relates to or is inspired by the themes of 残疾的可见性 爱丽丝·黄编辑!

Any creative piece you want to 提交 we’ll consider it for ETC!

If you do not have access to equipment to scan or photograph your work, or have questions about entering audio or video submissions please 艺术和文学等.

所有标有 * 是必需的.

Please use Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome to 提交 your entries. At this time, the form does not work in Internet Explorer.

submitClasses型 *
Submission Theme *

If you do not have access to equipment to scan or photograph your work, please 电子邮件 安排一个时间来投递你的作品.



黑鹰厅 216
319-296-2329 ext.1703

黑鹰厅 158
319-296-2329 ext.1295

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319-296-2329 ext.1211

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